
  • Defines a common environment for running and testing web applications based on jLaBase. It also retrieves and provides services from third parties to jLaBase web applications. The first applications planned are jLaBase Admin Tools, jLaBase Personal Edition and jLaBase Enterprise Edition. Anyone can write his own web application based on jLaBase Gears and extend the functionability of the platform.
  • The jLaBase Gears can manage several database connections between different databases that can be powered by different engines. The only need is to have the appropiate driver of the data engine, it also manages the security services needed. If jLaBase Gears is deployed inside a JBoss server, this last one will be the low-level manager of whatever common service, then, the Gears will be the top-level layer of that services and they will implement the jLaBase specific services.
  • It can communicate with other servers in the world that are running a compatible version of the jLaBase Gears and share bidirectional data between them.
  • Using simple plugin packages we can extend the funtionability of the entire system.
  • It is not a final web application, it implements some standart data objects, EJB's and so one but it needs to be completed with the implementation of the other packages.


  • Manage all the administration of the platform in a centralized group of packages. Web applications based on jLaBase don't need to communicate with themselves, they will do it through the jLaBase Gears.
  • Gateway to other servers. A jLaBase server doesn't need to store all the data the environment needs, some of that data can be stored in other servers so the complete database is splitted in serveral servers arround the world. When a user request a query to one jLaBase server, its Gears system will work to fetch and collect all the data the user request.