Database Diagram
TODO: Add database diagram here
This entity refers to each of the article sould be saled or rented. Each article has some common fields that would be stored in a single table referencing the tables with the specific fields.
This entity can exist or not but if it doesn't exist, the data environment should have a "Service" entity.
Key Field Name Java Type SQL Type Null Unique Yes ID LaBaseID object Not Yes - Description String varchar(255) Not Not -ManufactorID ReferenceID table reference Not Not -Detail Fields ReferenceID table reference Yes Not
- ID (primary key):
- The record identificator.
- Description:
- A short description of the article so it can be found in future searchs.
- ManufactorID (foreign key):
- A reference to de tables storing the data of manufactors.
This entity refers to each service the enterprise offers to its customers.
This entity can exist or not but if it doesn't exist, the data environment should have an "Article" entity.
Key Field Name Java Type SQL Type Null Unique Yes ID LaBaseID object Not Yes - Description String varchar(255) Not Not -Detail Fields ReferenceID table reference Yes Not
- ID (primary key):
- The record identificator.
- Description:
- A short description of the service so it can be found in future searchs.
Optional Entity. Is the entity who will describe the author, company, artist, ... who has the copyright of a specific article. Manufactors will be stored in a single table with reference to tables with specific fields. It is only available when we have an entity "article".
Key Field Name Java Type SQL Type Null Unique YesID LaBaseID object Not Yes -Name String varchar(80) Not Not -Detail Fields ReferenceID table reference Yes Not
- ID (primary key):
- The record identificator.
- Name:
- A name wich identifies the manufactor.
Optional Entity Is the entity that references 3rd parties whose suply us of our articles or whose are the performers of our services.
Key Field Name Java Type SQL Type Null Unique YesID LaBaseID object Not Yes -Name String varchar(80) Not Not -Detail Fields ReferenceID table reference Yes Not
- ID (primary key):
- The record identificator.
- Name:
- A name wich identifies the suplier.
Is the entity who buys or borrows an article or receives a service form the enterprise.
Key Field Name Java Type SQL Type Null Unique YesID LaBaseID object Not Yes -Name String varchar(80) Not Not -First Surname String varchar(80) Not Not -Second Surname String varchar(80) Yes Not -Detail Fields ReferenceID table reference Yes Not
- ID (primary key):
- The record identificator.
- Name:
- The customer's name.
- First Surname:
- The customer's surname.
- Second Surname:
- The second surname of the customer (it can be blank).
Optional Entity. Is the entity who for members of the enterprise whose data must be stored in the enterprise servers. This information is only available on Store/Enterprise Edition. By this implementation we can assign to each employee user permissions specific to him.
Key Field Name Java Type SQL Type Null Unique YesID LaBaseID object Not Yes -Name String varchar(80) Not Not -First Surname String varchar(80) Not Not -Second Surname String varchar(80) Yes Not -Username String varchar(10) Not Yes -Detail Fields ReferenceID table reference Yes Not
- ID (primary key):
- The record identificator.
- Name:
- The employee's name.
- First Surname:
- The employee's surname.
- Second Surname:
- The second surname of the employee (it can be blank).
- Username:
- The network username for this employee, obviously it can accept nulls and it must be unique in the dataset.
Optional Entity. Stores information about each department of the enterprise.
Key Field Name Java Type SQL Type Null Unique YesID LaBaseID object Not Yes -Name String varchar(80) Not Not -DependsOf DepartmentID self reference Yes Not -Detail Fields ReferenceID table reference Yes Not
- ID (primary key):
- The record identificator.
- Name:
- The department's name.
- DependsOf:
- Self-reference to the same table for represent the department hierarchical structure of the enterprise. A "null" value in this field should be used for the top department (Presidence, Corporation Admin, ...) and there should be only one record with that value.
This entity is used both as an internal system entity as a user entity. Entities of kind Detail are user to filter the articles, services, manufactors, customers and employees. In some cases this entities would have a lot of records so entities "detail" will help the user and the server engine to quickly get search results.
Key Field Name Java Type SQL Type Null Unique YesID LaBaseID object Not Yes -Name String varchar(80) Not - -Value String varchar(80) Not -
- ID (primary key):
- The record identificator.
- Name (Detail Name Identificator - lbDNI):
- A name wich identifies what kind of detail we are specifying in the corresponding record. It is not unique because we will have some records with the same name and different Value.
- Value (Detail Value Filter - lbDVF):
- Value used to compare the filter fields of the entity requested in a SQL sentence or a
protocol query.
This relation joins the entity "Employee" and "Department".
Key Field Name Java Type SQL Type Null Unique YesDepartmentID ReferenceID table reference Not - YesEmployeeID ReferenceID table reference Not - -Desciption String varchar(255) Not Not -Salary int int Not Not -HireDate Date datetime Not Not
- DepartmetID, EmployeeID (primary key):
- The record identificator.
- DepartmentID (foreign key):
- A reference to a department record.
- EmployeeID (foreign key):
- A reference to a employee record.
- Description:
- A short description of this employment.
- Salary:
- The salary assigned to this specific employment and this specific employee. It can't be null and not lesser or lower than zero.
- HireDate:
- The day in which this employee was contracted to work in the specified department to do the job descripted.
Optional Relation. This relation should be used by servers that are included in a corporative network. This corporation has some main servers containing the information that shares all the company (articles, manufactors, customers, details) and there are some sales-point where they have lite servers managing stock relations.
TODO: Add entity fields table here.
This relation joins articles with customers. The data fields for borrows should be a bit different than the ones for the sales, this is liability of the lbadmin. In servers that are included in a corporative network, this relation references to the stock table because the sales/borrows are matter of each sales-point, the sales/borrows relation of the entire network should be treated like a top-level entity.
TODO: Add entity fields table here.
This relation joins the articles/services and the suplier. In the cases that we wanna store data about suppliers the data of this relation will be used to auto-update the article/service entity table.
TODO: Add entity fields table here.
Java Types Definitions
package org.jlabase.type
TODO: Add package UML diagram here.
class LaBaseID
TODO: Add class diagram here.Abstract key identifier for every data table (POJO class). It gives a default implementation for generating unique sequenced identifiers.
class ReferenceID
TODO: Add class diagram here.Foreign key identifier. It can reference to datasets allocated in different locations from the one that owns the relation usign the