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4.3.2.- Contexts Data Environment Context

Our concept of data environment is an extension of a DNS context. A Data Environment name (DNS name - domain) such dpts.server.company.org is compounded by some contexts and we read them from left to right: (1) dpts, that is relative to the environment server.company.org (2), this last one is compounded by other two: (2.1) server, that it's relative to company.org (2.2), and, finally this last one is compounded by other two: (2.2.1) company that it's relative to org (2.2.2). This is like in a DNS name. Data Server Context

The Data Server Context is the context which includes all the data files, all the database objects (entities, relations, views, stored procedures, etc.), all of the column fields and all of records stored in the data environment.

The sintax to access to that elements is simple and is likely in a file system. The root directory is the jLaBase Data Servlet wich will we referenced as "lbdata", a sintax example could be:

lbnet://username:password@server.domain.tld/lbdata/<namespace>/<object_name>[?fieldname="value" op="..." ...]

Note: Take a look to the jLaBase URL Sintax
Whatever organzation inside the database environment it's possible. Namespaces should be created by the lbadmin and will be separeted with slash chars.
The name of the database object. This name should correspond with an Entity name or whatever name of a View, Relation or Stored Procedure. In the case the object is a stored procedure, then the field name should be the name of a input parameter.

This URL's will be traduced inside the servlet in a SQL sentence. The servlet response will be a Java ResultSet containing the query result. Because of this, the lbnet protocol is only for internal use within the applications that compound the DBMS. The public queries will be resolved by HttpServlets

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