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4.2.- Project Examples

4.2.1.- jLaBase Personal Edition

Example 1: Single user and one database server

Fred is a home user with a PC running Windows/Linux as its OS. He has at home a lot of books, fimls, music cd's and other staff and he would like to share these things with his friends, but his friends allways forget to get back to him what he lets to them and Fred also wants to have a list of what is borrowed and what it's not.

  1. Carl is friend of Fred but he has not PC, so Fred would like to print specified lists of his articles to show Carl what things he has.
  2. John is a friend of Fred, he has PC and he has installed the jLaBase environment but he has not an Internet conexion so Fred and John would like to export the content of his databases, store this exports in a diskette or other support and interchange this information. The export files must have some security so other people can not view the contents of the files.
  3. Imagine that now Fred and John have an Internet conexion, in this case, the client applications must be able to connect to the jLaBase server of the each other and view (but not write) the database contents.

4.2.2.- jLaBase Store/Enterprise Edition

Example 1: Multiple users and one database store

The public library of Madrid is a building with several floors and in each floor we can find several rooms or departments. The database information of this building is centralized in only one server. In each room there is are some PC for public use. Library members and public visitors can use this PC to connect to Internet, print documents or connect the jLaBase server to search in the contents of database.

  1. Public users want to do searchs on the server and the results must specify in which room of which floor is the article, how many items there are and if there is not any, the client application must show the date limit to get the first item back.
  2. Library users must be able also to do reserves of the items for a particular date.

Example 2: Corporative Network

The corporative Incorporated S.A has some sales-points around the world. The enterprise is organized distributing the data in some main servers. This servers store the data entities that refer to articles, customers, manufactors and details. Each sales-point has a lite server connected to the corporative network. This lite server manages data about stock and sales/borrows. The corporation also has its own web portal.

  1. The president of the company wants to get reports of sales/borrows of the entire corporation. This report must specify the sales-point of each sale/borrow.
  2. A seller (lbseller) must be able to store new customer in the corporative databases and he must also be able to update the customer's data but not to delete records in that table.
  3. In the web site a lbvisitor can search for products of the corporation and the results must include the sales-point where is availabe those products.
  4. Also in the web site a lbcustomer can do the same as a lbvisitor with addition of being able to export reports of the products he buys or rents.

Example 3: Multi-level Corporative Network

In the other hand, the corporative Incorporated S.A. has some warehouses where there are the articles that must be sended to the sales-points. Each warehouse has its own database server storing information about the articles and the supply relations (the relations between articles and other entities are stored here too), each warehouse can have its own article set with its own suppliers. These servers depend of the main corporative server, that one stores data about customers, manufactors, suppliers, details and other data.

  1.  The president of the company wants get some kind of reports:
    1. He wants reports about Suppliers, Articles and Warehouses
    2. He wants also reports about payments and debts with the suppliers (Bussines logic)
  2. A warehouse admin can add records to the article tables by the Supply relation, he can also delete records from these tables (products removed from the catalog)
  3. This network will be included in the main network of the company and well integrated with the other part of the network, the ones who relates the sales-points and the customer user.

Example 4: Council Network

External of the Library network in example 1, it is the Madrid City Council Network (also running a jLaBase Store Edition). This network has a database server that stores all the information about th council services. This services includes other networks: Education network, that holds the public libraries network, schools, colleges, ... Through the Council Portal we can access to the public zones of the network or, if we have user permissions we can access to the users zones of these networks.

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